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S.A.M. is an educational, prevention and interventional model of substance abuse treatment. The program arises from the significant and under-addressed use and abuse of mind altering and illegal substances by the youth in Mansfield, TX.
S.A.M. seeks to influence family systems by raising awareness, providing information to and offering support for the parents in our community. We want to help parents make a stronger connection with their children. We believe that parents are one of the most effective means for lowering teen substance abuse while being the most underutilized. We partner with area treatment centers and other professional entities for informational support and referrals. S.A.M. is a project of Center Street Counseling Services, Inc. CSCS Inc. is a non-profit, 501(C) 3 corporation that exists to provide counseling to those who may not be able to afford services otherwise.
S.A.M. hopes to partner with you to help raise parental awareness about drug abuse in Mansfield and also to equip parents to raise healthy, drug-free kids. We are currently planning several activities and can tailor services to meet the community’s unique needs.
S.A.M.’s basic plan involves two basic strategies:
1. Large community impact events on substance abuse
2. Parent Support Groups
Large Community Events
We would hope to raise interest and awareness among parents with events like:
—A presentation on “The Most Commonly Abused Drugs in Mansfield.” This is a workshop we will offer in the next few months.
—We will offer a screening of the very evocative film, “Behind the Orange Curtain“, a very moving picture of prescription drug abuse that plays out in communities where there is a great deal of wealth and not enough parental supervision–often with very tragic consequences. The similarities of these parents experience and life situation reminds me much of life in Mansfield. This will stir parents to be more involved in their children’s lives. This can be offered with professional support at the end for parents’ questions. This film is available on Hulu for your preview. This film can be offered to the community in a showing at a theater or in smaller local parent groups such as churches or PTA meetings.
Large Community Events (cont.)
—We have discussed hosting a community-wide event with an impact speaker.
—Another suggestion is that we offer a community health fair. Officials with the Methodist Health system have stated that they would help in coordinating such an event in Mansfield.
Parent Support Groups
The Parent Support Group is a short-term, psycho-educational group for parents wanting a stronger connection with their children. These groups will serve as a follow-up to the larger community event meetings. The Support group will be led by a volunteer therapist facilitator and will be comprised of six meetings. The facilitator will lead the discussion with lecture, hand-outs and/or Power Point presentations. Topics include:
1. Common Drugs of Abuse in Our Community
Marijuana, RX abuse, Legal Highs (K-2, DM, Salvia, Bath Salts, etc.), Mushrooms, Club Drugs/Speed and Alcohol
2. Connecting with Your Child (Communication training, Part I)
“There not out of the oven” – Teenage Brain Development and the Lack Thereof
“Why are we always yelling?” – Active Listening and Assertiveness Training
3. Connecting with Your child (Communication training Part II)
“How much is too much?” – Age Appropriate Communication
“What in the world do I say?” – 8 Ways to Talk with Your Kids about Drugs and Alcohol
4. Protecting Your Child (Setting Boundaries with Rewards/Consequences)
“Curing Affluenza: Pairing Privileges with Responsibilities”
5. Building Strong Bonds with Your Child
6. “Who is this kid?!? – Assessing and Entering Your Child’s World”
7. “Encouraging Healthy Risk-Taking”
8. It Takes a Village – Making a Parental Covenant
We need your help to raise community awareness, breaking the denial in our community about this very serious problem. Offering one of these educational presentations, showing the film to your parents and helping promote our mission would help our community live in greater health and sobriety.